Located at Cornelius House, Hove BN3 2DJ Vallance Organisation Limited is a Private Limited Company registered under the 03394438 registration number. This firm appeared on 1997-06-27. This business's declared SIC number is 87100: Residential nursing care facilities. The company's most recent annual accounts describe the period up to Thursday 30th June 2022 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on Tuesday 27th June 2023.
One of the tasks of Vallance Organisation is to provide health care services. It has one location in East Sussex County. Vallance Residential Care Home in Hove has operated since Wednesday 12th January 2011, and provides home care without nursing. The company caters for the needs of older people. For further information, please call the following phone number: 01273326053. The firm joined HSCA on 2011-01-12. As for the medical procedures included in the offer, the centre provides patients with accommodation for persons requiring nursing or personal care.
On Friday 3rd October 2014, the company was employing a Day/Night Carer to fill a part time post in the medical industry in Hove, South East/Southern.
Our info that details this enterprise's executives shows us the existence of two directors: Jose M. and Kaiser M. who joined the team on 2013-08-20 and 1997-06-27. Additionally, the director's duties are regularly supported by a secretary - Maria M., who was officially appointed by the following firm in 1998.