Cromwell Corporate Secretarial Limited can be contacted at Cromwell Property Group Spaces, Lochrin Square, 1 Lochrin Square, 92-98 Fountainbridge in Edinburgh. The company's area code is EH3 9QA. Cromwell Corporate Secretarial has been in this business since the company was established on Thursday 17th May 2001. The company's registration number is SC219311. The company has a history in name changes. Previously the firm had three other names. Before 2017 the firm was run as Valad Secretarial Services and up to that point its official company name was Teesland Secretarial Services. This company's declared SIC number is 68320, that means Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis. The company's latest annual accounts cover the period up to Thu, 30th Jun 2022 and the most current annual confirmation statement was released on Wed, 17th May 2023.
When it comes to the following business, many of director's responsibilities have been performed by Timothy S. and Robin M.. Out of these two individuals, Robin M. has supervised business for the longest period of time, having been one of the many members of company's Management Board since Friday 30th March 2018. To provide support to the directors, the abovementioned business has been utilizing the skills of Heather R. as a secretary since the appointment on Tuesday 8th February 2022.