Uksams Ltd was set up as Private Limited Company, with headquarters in 15 Blenheim Court 17, New Church Road, Hove. The main office's postal code is BN3 4AJ. This firm has been in existence since 2016. Its Companies House Registration Number is 10160176. This company's SIC and NACE codes are 96090, that means Other service activities not elsewhere classified. May 31, 2022 is the last time when account status updates were reported.
With 13 recruitment announcements since 2018/01/17, the company has been among the most active companies on the job market. Most recently, it was recruiting job candidates in New Malden and Pinner. They most frequentlyusually offer part time jobs to work in Shift work mode. They employ candidates on such posts as for example: house keeper, elderly care worker and Cleaner.
Currently, the directors appointed by the following company are as follow: Seyed S. formally appointed one year ago, Ahmad M. formally appointed six years ago and Sepedeh S. formally appointed in 2016 in May.