Tudor Rose Holdings Limited, a Private Limited Company, that is registered in Tudor House, 6 Friar Lane, Leicester, Leicestershire. It's located in LE1 5RA. The firm was created in 1997-07-16. The business Companies House Registration Number is 03404118. From 1997-08-22 Tudor Rose Holdings Limited is no longer under the name Mawlaw 353. The company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 58141 which means Publishing of learned journals. 2023-03-31 is the last time the company accounts were filed.
According to the following enterprise's executives data, since 1999-07-01 there have been three directors: Anthony I., Jonathan I. and Joanne I.. Additionally, the director's efforts are constantly backed by a secretary - Jonathan I., who was chosen by the limited company on 1997-08-13.