Treloar Technologies Ltd,registered as Private Limited Company, that is located in 24 Canterbury Road, Reading in Berkshire. The company's zip code is RG2 7TB. The firm was set up on 1999-09-23. The company's Companies House Registration Number is 03847243. The firm's registered with SIC code 62020 which stands for Information technology consultancy activities. Treloar Technologies Limited filed its latest accounts for the period up to 2022-03-31. The company's latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-09-23.
As for the following limited company, the full range of director's obligations have so far been performed by Jason L. who was assigned this position in 1999. In addition, the managing director's responsibilities are often helped with by a secretary - Valerie L., who was chosen by the limited company in June 2001.
Jason L. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.