Trades Training School Limited can be found at Edinburgh at Block 3, Unit 2. You can search for the company by the area code - EH16 5UY. Trades Training School's incorporation dates back to year 2008. This firm is registered under the number SC348792 and company's current status is active. The firm is recognized under the name of Trades Training School Limited. It should be noted that the firm also was listed as Tiler Training School until the name was changed thirteen years ago. The company's principal business activity number is 85320 meaning Technical and vocational secondary education. Trades Training School Ltd reported its account information for the period up to 2022-09-30. Its most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-09-18.
When it comes to this particular business, the majority of director's obligations have been done by Gillian M. and Anthony O.. As for these two managers, Anthony O. has supervised business for the longest period of time, having become one of the many members of officers' team on September 2008.