Three Arrows Media came into being in 2015 as a company enlisted under no 09915950, located at M33 3AW Sale at Ellesmere House. It has been in business for 9 years and its last known state is active. The company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 82990 - Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. 2022-12-31 is the last time the company accounts were reported.
Currently, the directors listed by this particular company are: Toby H. selected to lead the company on 2017-02-01 and Jonathan H. selected to lead the company 9 years ago.
The companies that control this firm are as follows: Wonderborn Media Group Ltd owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business can be reached in Bristol at Bond Street, Clifton, BS1 3LG and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 11397870.