The Showroom Gallery Ltd. 's been in the business for 29 years. Started with Companies House Reg No. 03194071 in the year 1996, the firm is based at 63 Penfold Street, London NW8 8PQ. This enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 90040, that means Operation of arts facilities. The latest financial reports describe the period up to 2022-03-31 and the most current confirmation statement was filed on 2023-05-05.
The firm became a charity on 1996/05/10. It operates under charity registration number 1055262. The range of the enterprise's activity is not defined. They work in City Of Westminster. As regards the charity's financial situation, their most prosperous time was in 2013 when their income was 491,509 pounds and their spendings were 315,541 pounds. The organisation concentrates on the area of arts, heritage, science or culture, the area of arts, science, culture, or heritage. It dedicates its activity to the whole humanity, the whole humanity. It provides help to the above agents by diverse charitable services and unspecified charitable activities. If you wish to know anything else about the enterprise's undertakings, dial them on this number 0207 724 4300 or visit their official website.
As found in this specific enterprise's directors directory, for one year there have been seven directors to name just a few: Attia S., Alan H. and Oliver E..