The Pines Management Company (bowdon) Limited could be contacted at 14 Greenwood Street, in Altrincham. The company's post code is WA14 1RZ. The Pines Management Company (bowdon) has been actively competing on the British market since the company was registered in 2008. The company's Companies House Registration Number is 06498146. This business's SIC code is 98000 and their NACE code stands for Residents property management. Tuesday 28th February 2023 is the last time when the company accounts were reported.
Presently, the following business is controlled by a single managing director: Geoff R., who was appointed in February 2011. The business had been controlled by John M. until August 2023. Furthermore a different director, specifically David K. gave up the position in 2011. Moreover, the director's assignments are assisted with by a secretary - Albex R., who was officially appointed by the following business in June 2022.