This enterprise operates as The Methodist Homestead. This firm was established thirteen years ago and was registered under 08295082 as the registration number. This headquarters of the company is registered in Northampton. You may visit it at 14 Methodist Homestead, Homestead Way. The company now known as The Methodist Homestead was known under the name The Northampton Homestead until 2012-11-27 then the business name got changed. The enterprise's SIC code is 55900 - Other accommodation. The Methodist Homestead filed its latest accounts for the period up to Saturday 31st December 2022. Its most recent annual confirmation statement was released on Friday 1st September 2023.
The firm was registered as a charity on Monday 3rd December 2012. It is registered under charity number 1150018. The range of the enterprise's activity is northanptonshire. They operate in Northamptonshire. As for the charity's financial summary, their best period was in 2013 when they earned £167,171 and their expenditures were £66,097. The Methodist Homestead concentrates its efforts on problems related to housing and accommodation and problems related to accommodation and housing. It works to support the elderly, the elderly people. It provides help to the above beneficiaries by diverse charitable activities and manifold charitable activities. If you wish to know anything else about the corporation's activity, dial them on the following number 07704 371890 or visit their official website.
As mentioned in this particular enterprise's executives list, since October 2023 there have been eight directors including: Heather D., Carol B. and Jonathan S.. In order to provide support to the directors, this particular firm has been utilizing the expertise of Julie T. as a secretary since 2022.