The exact date this firm was established is 2000-11-08. Established under 04104465, this firm is classified as a Pri/lbg/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital, Use Of 'limited' Exemption). You may find the main office of this firm during its opening times at the following address: The Vicarage Vicarage Lane Duffield, DE56 4EB Derby. This company's registered with SIC code 94910 which stands for Activities of religious organizations. 2020-11-30 is the last time when company accounts were filed.
The firm was registered as a charity on January 4, 2001. It is registered under charity number 1084337. The geographic range of their activity is not defined and it operates in multiple towns and cities around Throughout England And Wales. As concerns the charity's finances, their most successful time was in 2012 when they earned 48,953 pounds and they spent 149,248 pounds. The Latimer Trust concentrates on the area of religious activities. It works to aid other definied groups. It helps its beneficiaries by the means of undertaking research or supporting it financially and granting money to individuals. If you want to know anything else about the enterprise's undertakings, call them on this number 02083601749 or see their website.
The following limited company owes its accomplishments and permanent growth to exactly seven directors, specifically James H., Christopher M., Peter B. and 4 remaining, listed below, who have been supervising it for 6 years. To help the directors in their tasks, this limited company has been utilizing the expertise of Neil S. as a secretary since June 2017.