Registered with number 02773370 32 years ago, The Hogarth Clinic Limited is a Private Limited Company. The business active office address is Hogarth Health Club, Airedale Avenue London. This company's SIC code is 86900 meaning Other human health activities. The Hogarth Clinic Ltd released its account information for the period up to Thursday 31st March 2022. The business latest confirmation statement was submitted on Wednesday 14th December 2022.
We have a solitary managing director presently supervising the firm, namely Daniel W. who's been performing the director's obligations since December 14, 1992. Since 1992 Patrick W., had been fulfilling assigned duties for this specific firm up until the resignation on August 7, 2004. Additionally another director, including Colin W. quit in December 2018.
Daniel W. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.