The date the firm was started is Wednesday 30th October 2002. Registered under number 04577725, this company operates as a Pri/ltd By Guar/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital). You can reach the main office of this firm during office times under the following address: The High Street Centre High Street, S62 6LN Rawmarsh. This firm's SIC code is 93290 meaning Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c.. 2022-03-31 is the last time the accounts were reported.
The company was registered as a charity on November 13, 2003. Its charity registration number is 1100671. The geographic range of the firm's area of benefit is rawmarsh and surrounding areas and it provides aid in different cities around Rotherham. As for the charity's financial situation, their most prosperous period was in 2011 when they raised £344,236 and their expenditures were £241,579. The High Street Centre Ltd engages in the area of amateur sport, training and education and training and education. It tries to improve the situation of children or young people, other definied groups, young people or children. It provides help to the above beneficiaries by the means of providing human resources, conducting research or supporting it financially and doing research or supporting it financially. If you would like to get to know something more about the firm's undertakings, call them on this number 01709 719 748 or browse their official website.
Considering the firm's growth, it was necessary to find more executives, to name just a few: David W., Angela M., Margaret R. who have been cooperating for one year to promote the success of the following firm. Moreover, the managing director's efforts are constantly assisted with by a secretary - Rebecca C., who was officially appointed by the following firm on Tuesday 26th September 2023.