The Hebburn Turkish Barbers started its business in 2017 as a Private Limited Company under the following Company Registration No.: 10950602. The company has operated for seven years and the present status is active. This firm's registered office is based in Hebburn at 3 St. James Mall. You can also find this business utilizing the zip code of NE31 1LE. The company's declared SIC number is 96020 which means Hairdressing and other beauty treatment. Wed, 31st Aug 2022 is the last time company accounts were reported.
At the moment, we can name a single managing director in the company: Kenan A. (since 2018-05-31). This company had been overseen by Mehmet K. till May 2018.
Kenan A. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.