The Garden Museum can be contacted at The Garden Museum, Lambeth Palace Road in London. The firm postal code is SE1 7LB. The Garden Museum has been operating on the market since the company was registered in 1979. The firm Companies House Reg No. is 01413661. This firm has a history in registered name changes. Previously this company had two different names. Until 2008 this company was run under the name of The Museum Of Garden History and before that its company name was Tradescant Trust(the). The firm's declared SIC number is 88100 which means Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled. The most recent financial reports cover the period up to Thursday 31st March 2022 and the latest annual confirmation statement was released on Saturday 31st December 2022.
The enterprise started working as a charity on 28th August 2001. It works under charity registration number 1088221. The range of the firm's area of benefit is lambeth, london, and elsewhere and it operates in many cities in Throughout England And Wales. Regarding the charity's finances, their best time was in 2013 when they earned 1,185,493 pounds and their expenditures were 1,078,521 pounds. The Garden Museum focuses on the area of amateur sport, education and training and the conservation of heritage sites and the environment's protection. It works to help other charities or voluntary bodies, the whole humanity, other charities or voluntary bodies. It provides aid to the above recipients by the means of sponsoring or doing research, conducting research or supporting it financially and acting as an umbrella company or a resource body. If you would like to find out more about the firm's activities, call them on the following number 0207 401 8865 or go to their website.
As for this particular firm, many of director's responsibilities have been performed by Charles S., Jane R., Rupert T. and 12 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of this page. As for these fifteen managers, Tania C. has been with the firm for the longest time, having been one of the many members of directors' team for twenty four years.