Technical Heating Solutions Limited could be contacted at 400 Tottington Road, in Bury. The company's area code is BL8 1TU. Technical Heating Solutions has been on the market since it was started on 2011-07-22. The company's registration number is 07714927. The company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 46740 - Wholesale of hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies. The company's most recent filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to Sunday 31st July 2022 and the most current annual confirmation statement was filed on Saturday 22nd July 2023.
There seems to be a group of two directors managing this firm at the current moment, specifically Alan J. and Ann J. who have been carrying out the directors tasks since 2011. To support the directors in their duties, this particular firm has been utilizing the skills of Anne J. as a secretary since the appointment on 2011-09-15.
Alan J. is the individual with significant control over this firm.