This company is known as Talbot Heath School Trust Limited. This company was originally established fourty three years ago and was registered with 01584957 as its reg. no. This headquarters of this firm is located in Bournemouth. You can contact them at Talbot Heath School, Rothesay Road. The firm's SIC and NACE codes are 85310 which stands for General secondary education. Talbot Heath School Trust Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period up to August 31, 2022. The most recent annual confirmation statement was released on December 18, 2022.
The company became a charity on Monday 14th December 1981. It is registered under charity number 283708. The geographic range of their activity is united kingdom and elsewhere and it operates in multiple places across Dorset and Bournemouth. As regards the charity's financial summary, their most prosperous period was in 2013 when they earned £5,583,082 and their spendings were £5,589,215. Talbot Heath School Trust Ltd concentrates on training and education and training and education. It strives to aid children or young people, children or young people. It tries to help its agents by the means of providing advocacy and counselling services, providing advocacy and counselling services and providing human resources. In order to learn more about the charity's activities, dial them on the following number 01202 755419 or go to their official website.
Taking into consideration the following company's magnitude, it became unavoidable to appoint extra directors, among others: Kathryn P., Nicholas W., Clodie S. who have been cooperating for one year to exercise independent judgement of the following limited company.