09359409 is a registration number of St. Georges Minerva Development Limited. This firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2014/12/17. This firm has been operating in this business for the last ten years. This firm could be found at 790 Uxbridge Road Uxbridge Road in Hayes. The headquarters' zip code assigned to this address is UB4 0RS. The name transformation from St Georges Minerva to St. Georges Minerva Development Limited came on 2017/01/11. The firm's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 70221 and their NACE code stands for Financial management. St. Georges Minerva Development Ltd filed its account information for the period up to 2022-12-31. The business most recent confirmation statement was filed on 2022-12-15.
From the information we have gathered, the company was created ten years ago and has so far been guided by two directors. In addition, the director's assignments are often helped with by a secretary - Uma V., who was officially appointed by the following company on 2014/12/17.