1997 is the date that marks the founding of Ssh Cleaning Limited, a firm which is situated at 2.2 Central Point, Kirpal Road in Portsmouth. This means it's been twenty eight years Ssh Cleaning has prospered in the United Kingdom, as the company was founded on 1997-11-21. The company's registered no. is 03469502 and the post code is PO3 6FH. Although lately it's been known as Ssh Cleaning Limited, it had the name changed. This firm was known under the name Southern Service (hampshire) until 2013-04-24, when the name was replaced by Ssh Cleaning & Facilities Management. The last switch came on 2016-05-19. The enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 81210 and has the NACE code: General cleaning of buildings. The business latest financial reports were submitted for the period up to 2022-03-31 and the most recent confirmation statement was released on 2023-08-29.
Current directors registered by this particular limited company include: Peter H. assigned this position seven years ago and Sam W. assigned this position on 2009-04-06.