This Src Partnership Ltd business has been operating in this business for 33 years, as it's been established in 1991. Started with Companies House Reg No. 02600843, Src Partnership was set up as a Private Limited Company located in 2nd Floor, Stanford Gate, Brighton BN1 6SB. This Src Partnership Ltd business was recognized under four different company names before. This company was started as Src Taxation Consultancy and was changed to Src (cas) on 2014-08-20. The third business name was name up till 2010. This enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 69201 meaning Accounting and auditing activities. Its most recent financial reports cover the period up to 2022-05-31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-03-05.
Concerning this firm, the full range of director's assignments have so far been done by Stephen C. who was assigned this position in 1992. The firm had been overseen by Michael R. up until May 2022. Additionally a different director, namely Hannah T. quit in 2022.