This firm named Smith Electrical & Building Contractor was founded on 1995-10-02 as a Private Limited Company. This company's office may be reached at London on 3 Greenwich High Road, Greenwich. Assuming you have to get in touch with the firm by post, its postal code is SE10 9JL. The office registration number for Smith Electrical & Building Contractor Limited is 03108816. This company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 43210 meaning Electrical installation. Smith Electrical & Building Contractor Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial period up to Thursday 31st March 2022. The firm's latest confirmation statement was filed on Tuesday 27th June 2023.
Renford S. is this particular company's single managing director, that was chosen to lead the company twenty nine years ago. For five years Stephen S., had been responsible for a variety of tasks within this specific business up until the resignation sixteen years ago. Additionally a different director, including Amenia A. quit in May 2002. To find professional help with legal documentation, this business has been utilizing the skills of Launa B. as a secretary for the last 29 years.