Sanders Of Oxford came into being in 1958 as a company enlisted under no 00611809, located at OX1 4BW Central and South Oxford at 104 High Street. This company has been in business for sixty six years and its current status is active. The company's declared SIC number is 47791 meaning Retail sale of antiques including antique books in stores. The most recent financial reports cover the period up to Sat, 31st Dec 2022 and the most current annual confirmation statement was filed on Wed, 14th Jun 2023.
From the information we have gathered, this specific business was incorporated in 1958 and has been presided over by six directors, out of whom two (Philip M. and Sarah B.) are still listed as current directors. To find professional help with legal documentation, this specific business has been utilizing the skills of Sarah B. as a secretary for the last twenty years.
Executives who have control over the firm are as follows: Sarah B. owns over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares and has over 1/2 to 3/4 of voting rights. Philip M. owns 1/2 or less of company shares.