Sanctuary Housing Association

General information

Office Address:

Number: IP19059R

Incorporation date: 1981-01-01

Category: Registered Society

Status: Active


Data updated on:

Sanctuary Housing Association can be contacted at at . You can search for the company by the postal code - . This enterprise has been in the field on the UK market for fourty three years. The company is registered under the number IP19059R and company's last known status is active.

1 transaction have been registered in 2014 with a sum total of £661. Cooperation with the Sandwell Council council covered the following areas: Childrens Services.

Accounts Documents

Confirmation statement next due date 15 January 2017

Company's financial transactions

Known transactions over £500 with government entities

Choose year:
Year / Transaction date Council / Department / Transaction ID No. of trans. Total trans. value
2014 Sandwell Council 1 £ 661.17
2014-06-23 2015P03_003478 £ 661.17 Childrens Services

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