11307454 - registration number of Redhill Marine Services Ltd. The company was registered as a Private Limited Company on Thu, 12th Apr 2018. The company has been in this business for 6 years. The firm can be found at 29 Arboretum Street in Nottingham. The office's postal code assigned to this address is NG1 4JA. It has been already one year from the moment Redhill Marine Services Ltd is no longer identified under the business name Sailaway Centre. The firm's declared SIC number is 30120 and has the NACE code: Building of pleasure and sporting boats. The company's most recent financial reports cover the period up to 31st March 2023 and the most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 11th April 2023.
Right now, this specific limited company is the workplace of just one managing director: Richard M., who was assigned this position on Thu, 12th Apr 2018.
Richard M. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.