Registered at 38 Hadley Gardens, Southall UB2 5SQ Sag Constructions Ltd is categorised as a Private Limited Company with 10004789 registration number. This firm was founded on 2016-02-15. This company's SIC code is 43320 - Joinery installation. Sag Constructions Limited reported its latest accounts for the financial period up to Tue, 28th Feb 2023. The company's most recent confirmation statement was filed on Mon, 23rd Oct 2023.
Swaran S. is this specific enterprise's only director, that was arranged to perform management duties on 2024-04-15. The business had been supervised by Amanjit J. till 2024. In addition another director, including Swaran S. quit in 2023.
Swaran S. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.