Safety Centre (hazard Alley) Limited with reg. no. 02709081 has been operating on the market for thirty two years. This particular Pri/ltd By Guar/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital) can be reached at 18 Carters Lane, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes and their post code is MK11 3ES. From 2006-06-29 Safety Centre (hazard Alley) Limited is no longer under the name Safety Centre (milton Keynes). This company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 85200 meaning Primary education. 2022-09-30 is the last time the accounts were reported.
The company started working as a charity on 26th March 1993. It is registered under charity number 1019093. The geographic range of their area of benefit is bucks,beds,northants and surrounding area and it provides aid in various places in Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedford and Central Bedfordshire. In terms of the charity's finances, their most successful time was in 2009 when they raised 359,959 pounds and they spent 353,906 pounds. Safety Centre (hazard Alley) Ltd engages in training and education and training and education. It strives to help the youngest, children or young people. It provides help to the above recipients by the means of providing various services and providing various services. In order to know something more about the charity's activities, call them on the following number 01908 263009 or go to their website.
Within this specific business, the majority of director's responsibilities have been performed by Euan L., Peter K., Nicholas M. and 4 others listed below. As for these seven individuals, Catriona M. has administered business the longest, having become one of the many members of directors' team on 2017-01-25. To provide support to the directors, this business has been utilizing the skills of Asma J. as a secretary since December 2020.