Rsb Marketing started its business in the year 2010 as a Private Limited Company under the following Company Registration No.: 07459682. This company has been prospering for fourteen years and the present status is active. This company's registered office is based in Oxford at 26 Hillary Way. You could also locate the firm utilizing the postal code of OX33 1UY. This enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 73110: Advertising agencies. The latest annual accounts cover the period up to 31st December 2022 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 22nd November 2022.
There seems to be a group of two directors controlling the following firm at the current moment, including Robert B. and Soteroula B. who have been performing the directors responsibilities since 2010-12-03. In order to provide support to the directors, this specific firm has been utilizing the skills of Robert B. as a secretary for the last fourteen years.