This company operates under the name of Richmond House (broadstairs) Limited. This firm was established 42 years ago and was registered under 01662696 as the registration number. This particular head office of the firm is registered in London. You may find them at 51 Swaffield Road, Wandsworth. The firm's SIC code is 98000, that means Residents property management. Richmond House (broadstairs) Ltd reported its account information for the financial period up to 2022/09/30. The latest confirmation statement was filed on 2022/12/31.
According to the latest data, this particular limited company is governed by just one managing director: Christine G., who was appointed in January 2006. For 16 years Hideo K., had been performing the duties for this specific limited company until the resignation in January 2016. Furthermore a different director, including John M. resigned in 2021.