Rhodeswell Limited can be gotten hold of in 82-84 Rhodeswell Road, in London. Its post code is E14 7TL. Rhodeswell has been in this business since the firm was started in 2014. Its Companies House Reg No. is 08856952. The company's registered with SIC code 70229, that means Management consultancy activities other than financial management. The firm's latest financial reports were submitted for the period up to 2023-01-31 and the most current confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-05-21.
The information we have that details the company's personnel implies there are two directors: Sarah W. and James H. who joined the company's Management Board on 2021-05-01 and 2014-01-22.
Executives with significant control over the firm are: Sarah W. has substantial control or influence over the company owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights. James H. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.