Observational And Pragmatic Research International Limited was set up as Private Limited Company, that is located in Warren House Sankence, Aylsham in Norwich. The company's located in NR11 6UN. This company was formed in 2001. Its reg. no. is 04206511. Although recently referred to as Observational And Pragmatic Research International Limited, it had the name changed. This company was known as Thorpe Respiratory Research until 2009-03-31, at which point the name got changed to Research In Real Life. The definitive transformation took place on 2017-09-27. This company's registered with SIC code 86900, that means Other human health activities. 2022-12-31 is the last time the accounts were filed.
With two job advert since 2014/07/04, the company has been relatively active on the employment market. On 2014/08/04, it was looking for new workers for a full time Project Performance Director post in Cambridge, and on 2014/07/04, for the vacant post of a full time Scientific Researcher in Cambridge.
The directors currently enumerated by this firm include: Victoria C. formally appointed in 2021, Christopher P. formally appointed in 2011, James P. formally appointed in 2011 and David P..