This firm is widely known under the name of Remaaps Limited. It was originally established ten years ago and was registered with 09178689 as the registration number. This registered office of this firm is registered in Hartfield. You may visit it at The Weald Shepherds Hill, Colemans Hatch. The company's SIC code is 62020 and has the NACE code: Information technology consultancy activities. The firm's most recent annual accounts cover the period up to 2022-09-30 and the most current confirmation statement was filed on 2023-10-10.
On Mon, 19th Oct 2015, the firm was looking for a Telesales Home Based to fill a post in Colemans Hatch. They offered a job with wage from £10.00 to £12.00 per hour.
When it comes to this specific business, a number of director's responsibilities up till now have been performed by Robert M. and Karen M.. When it comes to these two individuals, Robert M. has been with the business for the longest time, having become a vital part of the Management Board ten years ago.