This business is known under the name of Relaxx Travel Ltd. It was founded 18 years ago and was registered with 05857229 as the reg. no. This headquarters of this company is registered in Worcester Park. You can reach it at 162 Cheam Common Road. The enterprise's principal business activity number is 79110 - Travel agency activities. Relaxx Travel Limited reported its account information for the financial year up to 2023-06-30. Its latest annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-06-25.
Freddy M. is this specific company's solitary director, that was assigned to lead the company in 2015 in May. This limited company had been directed by Per M. up until May 2024. Moreover, the managing director's responsibilities are assisted with by a secretary - Khurshid Q., who was officially appointed by the following limited company in June 2006.
Khurshid Q. is the individual who has control over this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.