04215880 is a registration number used by Rapid Despatch Logistics Ltd. The firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2001-05-14. The firm has existed on the British market for 23 years. This business could be reached at Unit 2, 424 Portswood Road Southampton in Hampshire. The main office's area code assigned to this location is SO17 3SD. The firm's principal business activity number is 49410 and has the NACE code: Freight transport by road. Rapid Despatch Logistics Limited reported its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2022-05-31. Its most recent confirmation statement was released on 2023-05-05.
Rapid Despatch Logistics Ltd is a small-sized transport company with the licence number OH1047880. The firm has one transport operating centre in the country. In their subsidiary in Southampton , 3 machines are available.
Having two recruitment advertisements since Fri, 23rd May 2014, the corporation has been quite active on the employment market. On Wed, 30th Jul 2014, it started searching for candidates for a full time Branch Manager, SameDay Courier position in Farnborough, and on Fri, 23rd May 2014, for the vacant position of a full time Owner Driver Small or Large Van in Farnborough.
According to the data we have, this firm was incorporated in 2001-05-14 and has been supervised by three directors, out of whom two (Jamie L. and Richard B.) are still participating in the company's duties.