Profit & Loss |
Date of Accounts |
2019-12-31 | 2020-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2024-01-31 |
Currency |
| | | | |
Balance Sheet |
Cash Bank On Hand | 293 126 | 104 343 | 81 066 | 480 985 | 165 698 |
Current Assets | 4 411 492 | 4 601 368 | 3 525 259 | 5 000 628 | 4 470 134 |
Debtors | 3 817 852 | 4 218 360 | 2 787 896 | 4 149 064 | 3 844 020 |
Net Assets Liabilities | 1 737 227 | 1 806 189 | 1 816 120 | 2 166 071 | 1 068 873 |
Other Debtors | 1 102 208 | 2 710 937 | 1 949 127 | 1 808 945 | 1 179 711 |
Property Plant Equipment | 1 259 728 | 1 248 466 | 1 236 858 | 1 233 786 | 154 521 |
Total Inventories | 300 514 | 278 665 | 656 297 | 370 579 | 460 416 |
Other Financial Data |
Accrued Liabilities | | | 461 303 | 312 825 | 403 927 |
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets | 40 267 | 44 543 | 47 662 | 50 347 | 52 668 |
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 118 155 | 125 588 | 144 576 | 163 749 | 82 689 |
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Intangible Assets | | | | 90 | |
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment | | | | 16 101 | 133 747 |
Amounts Owed By Related Parties | | | 315 855 | 192 315 | 206 289 |
Average Number Employees During Period | 43 | 29 | 20 | 22 | 24 |
Bank Borrowings | 2 318 323 | 722 099 | 303 532 | 271 978 | 1 131 264 |
Bank Overdrafts | 385 091 | 1 136 574 | 771 105 | 663 693 | 895 242 |
Creditors | 362 268 | 838 469 | 618 174 | 427 271 | 92 849 |
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | | 7 767 | 116 | | -93 878 |
Disposals Property Plant Equipment | | 8 205 | 576 | | -1 294 072 |
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total | | | | | 92 849 |
Financial Commitments Other Than Capital Commitments | | | | 7 432 | 2 064 |
Fixed Assets | 1 306 876 | 1 291 317 | 1 276 322 | 1 270 655 | 189 069 |
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets | | 4 297 | 3 387 | 2 685 | 2 321 |
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment | | 15 200 | 19 104 | 19 173 | 12 817 |
Intangible Assets | 20 630 | 16 333 | 12 946 | 10 351 | 8 030 |
Intangible Assets Gross Cost | 60 897 | 60 876 | 60 608 | 60 698 | 60 698 |
Investments Fixed Assets | 26 518 | 26 518 | 26 518 | 26 518 | 26 518 |
Investments In Subsidiaries | | | 26 518 | 26 518 | 26 518 |
Net Current Assets Liabilities | 792 619 | 1 353 341 | 1 181 307 | 1 170 234 | 1 036 706 |
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid | | 100 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 |
Other Creditors | 34 645 | 823 438 | 488 270 | 39 532 | 252 294 |
Other Inventories | | | 656 297 | 370 579 | 460 416 |
Other Remaining Borrowings | | | 314 662 | 155 293 | |
Par Value Share | | | | 0 | 0 |
Prepayments | 72 715 | 34 258 | 18 361 | 23 795 | 180 258 |
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost | 1 377 883 | 1 374 054 | 1 381 434 | 1 397 535 | 237 210 |
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal | | | 23 335 | 37 899 | 64 053 |
Taxation Social Security Payable | | | 50 650 | 184 633 | 85 582 |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 2 099 495 | 2 644 658 | 2 457 629 | 2 440 889 | 1 225 775 |
Total Borrowings | 2 703 414 | 1 858 673 | 618 194 | 427 271 | 92 849 |
Trade Creditors Trade Payables | 469 653 | 536 794 | 701 434 | 731 598 | 651 059 |
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables | 1 645 713 | 1 198 167 | 522 914 | 2 124 009 | 2 277 762 |
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Directors | | 229 536 | 234 901 | 239 599 | 244 790 |
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Made In Period Directors | | | 5 365 | 4 698 | 5 191 |
Audit Fees Expenses | 24 453 | 19 000 | | | |
Director Remuneration | 182 862 | 112 343 | | | |
Accrued Liabilities Deferred Income | 369 965 | 788 793 | | | |
Additional Provisions Increase From New Provisions Recognised | | -4 390 | | | |
Amortisation Expense Intangible Assets | | 4 297 | | | |
Amounts Owed By Group Undertakings | 312 642 | 309 256 | 315 855 | | |
Applicable Tax Rate | 19 | 19 | | | |
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts | 362 268 | 838 469 | 618 174 | | |
Comprehensive Income Expense | -615 431 | 243 727 | | | |
Corporation Tax Recoverable | 21 852 | 129 208 | | | |
Current Tax For Period | | 50 173 | | | |
Depreciation Expense Property Plant Equipment | | 15 200 | | | |
Dividends Paid | 175 305 | 174 765 | | | |
Dividends Paid On Shares Interim | 175 305 | 174 765 | | | |
Foreign Exchange Differences Increase Decrease In Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets | | -21 | | | |
Further Item Gain Loss In Other Comprehensive Income Before Tax Component Total Other Comprehensive Income Before Tax | 30 064 | -43 523 | | | |
Further Item Interest Income Component Total Interest Income | | 5 242 | | | |
Gain Loss Due To Foreign Exchange Differences Recognised In Profit Or Loss | -344 032 | 8 339 | | | |
Gain Loss On Disposals Property Plant Equipment | -1 364 | -224 | | | |
Increase Decrease From Foreign Exchange Differences Intangible Assets | | -21 | | | |
Increase Decrease In Current Tax From Adjustment For Prior Periods | -200 026 | -21 714 | | | |
Interest Expense On Bank Overdrafts | 69 249 | 58 790 | | | |
Interest Expense On Loan Capital | 273 645 | 161 918 | | | |
Interest Income On Bank Deposits | 265 | 4 865 | | | |
Interest Payable Similar Charges Finance Costs | 342 894 | 220 708 | | | |
Investments In Group Undertakings | 26 518 | 26 518 | 26 518 | | |
Merchandise | 300 514 | 278 665 | | | |
Net Assets Liabilities Subsidiaries | 21 202 | 21 202 | | | |
Other Deferred Tax Expense Credit | 10 552 | -4 390 | | | |
Other Interest Receivable Similar Income Finance Income | 265 | 10 107 | | | |
Other Taxation Social Security Payable | 41 196 | 29 122 | 50 650 | | |
Pension Other Post-employment Benefit Costs Other Pension Costs | 45 840 | 26 926 | | | |
Percentage Class Share Held In Associate | | 49 | | | |
Percentage Class Share Held In Subsidiary | | 10 | | | |
Profit Loss | -703 240 | 243 727 | | | |
Profit Loss On Ordinary Activities Before Tax | -961 191 | 231 709 | | | |
Profit Loss Subsidiaries | -87 811 | -36 845 | | | |
Provisions | | -4 390 | | | |
Recoverable Value-added Tax | 438 428 | 125 603 | | | |
Social Security Costs | 119 444 | 83 985 | | | |
Staff Costs Employee Benefits Expense | 1 462 547 | 1 079 536 | | | |
Tax Decrease From Utilisation Tax Losses | -155 927 | 2 751 | | | |
Tax Expense Credit Applicable Tax Rate | -182 626 | 44 025 | | | |
Tax Increase Decrease From Effect Capital Allowances Depreciation | 1 775 | -3 588 | | | |
Tax Increase Decrease From Effect Expenses Not Deductible In Determining Taxable Profit Or Loss | 22 519 | 5 630 | | | |
Tax Tax Credit On Profit Or Loss On Ordinary Activities | -257 951 | 24 068 | | | |
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment | | 4 376 | 7 956 | | |
Total Current Tax Expense Credit | -200 026 | 28 458 | | | |
Total Deferred Tax Expense Credit | -57 925 | -4 390 | | | |
Total Operating Lease Payments | 83 057 | 8 310 | | | |
Wages Salaries | 1 297 263 | 968 625 | | | |