Q H Foods Ltd

General information


Q H Foods Limited

Office Address:

3 The Centre BS23 1US Weston-super-mare

Number: 11837743

Incorporation date: 2019-02-20

End of financial year: 28 February

Category: Private Limited Company


Data updated on:

The firm is known under the name of Q H Foods Ltd. It first started 5 years ago and was registered under 11837743 as its reg. no. The registered office of this firm is registered in Weston-super-mare. You may visit it at 3 The Centre. The firm's registered with SIC code 56103, that means Take-away food shops and mobile food stands.

There is 1 director currently overseeing this specific limited company, specifically Basit A. who has been executing the director's responsibilities since 2019-02-20. Since 2019 Qamar U., had been responsible for a variety of tasks within the following limited company up until the resignation in 2019.

Basit A. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.

Company staff

Basit A.

Role: Director

Appointed: 20 February 2019

Latest update: 5 May 2024

People with significant control

Basit A.
Notified on 20 February 2019
Nature of control:
1/2 or less of voting rights
right to manage directors
1/2 or less of shares
Qamar U.
Notified on 20 February 2019
Ceased on 17 September 2019
Nature of control:
1/2 or less of voting rights
right to manage directors
1/2 or less of shares

Accounts Documents

Account next due date 20 February 2021
Confirmation statement next due date 29 October 2020
Confirmation statement last made up date 17 September 2019

Company filings

Filing category

Hide filing type
Confirmation statement Dissolution Gazette Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control
Free Download
Voluntary strike-off action has been suspended (SOAS(A))
filed on: 4th, March 2020
Free Download Download filing (1 page)

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Services (by SIC Code)

  • 56103 : Take-away food shops and mobile food stands
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