This company is widely known under the name of Purelake (chase) Limited. The company was established 21 years ago and was registered with 04922156 as its registration number. This head office of the company is situated in Walthamstow. You may find them at 368 Forest Road, London. The company known today as Purelake (chase) Limited was known as Charing Grove until 2008/08/26 then the name was replaced. The enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 86900 meaning Other human health activities. Purelake (chase) Ltd reported its account information for the period up to Thu, 30th Jun 2022. Its latest confirmation statement was released on Sun, 26th Mar 2023.
One of the tasks of Purelake (chase) is to provide health care services. It has one location in Kent County. The Chase in Canterbury has operated since 2011-01-19, and provides home care without nursing. The company caters for the needs of patients with dementia and older people. For further information, please call the following phone number: 01227453483. All the information concerning the firm can also be obtained on the phone number: 02088571171. The firm joined HSCA on 2011-01-19. As for the medical procedures included in the offer, the centre provides patients with accommodation for persons requiring nursing or personal care.
Faik O. is this particular enterprise's individual managing director, who was arranged to perform management duties on 2008/04/28. For one year Yonca S., had been performing the duties for the firm till the resignation in April 2008. Furthermore another director, namely Cemal O. gave up the position on 2007/11/22. In addition, the managing director's efforts are often assisted with by a secretary - Fugen F., who was chosen by the firm in 2008.