1996 is the date that marks the start of Promanex (total Fm & Environmental Services) Limited, the company located at Costain House, Vanwall Business Park in Maidenhead. That would make twenty eight years Promanex (total Fm & Environmental Services) has been in this business, as the company was established on 1996-07-29. The firm registration number is 03230494 and the post code is SL6 4UB. The company switched its registered name already two times. Before 2008 the company has been working on providing the services it specializes in as Promanex but now the company operates under the business name Promanex (total Fm & Environmental Services) Limited. The firm's registered with SIC code 71129, that means Other engineering activities. Sat, 31st Dec 2022 is the last time when the accounts were filed.
1 transaction have been registered in 2012 with a sum total of £864. In 2011 there was a similar number of transactions (exactly 1) that added up to £4,151. Cooperation with the Department for Transport council covered the following areas: Accommodation and Major Maintenance.
Given the company's growing number of employees, it was imperative to formally appoint extra directors: Helen W. and David T. who have been collaborating for nearly one year to promote the success of the following limited company. Moreover, the managing director's efforts are backed by a secretary - Maria S., who was officially appointed by this limited company in 2020.