Registered at 2nd Floor Crown House, East Grinstead RH19 3AF Phoenix Wings Ltd is a Private Limited Company with 04853050 registration number. The firm was set up on 31st July 2003. Its current name is Phoenix Wings Ltd. This company's previous associates may remember it as Corporate Video Productions, which was in use until 19th February 2007. This company's SIC code is 62020 meaning Information technology consultancy activities. Phoenix Wings Limited reported its account information for the period up to Sunday 31st July 2022. The firm's latest confirmation statement was filed on Saturday 26th November 2022.
Pierre L. is this particular company's individual managing director, who was arranged to perform management duties fourteen years ago. This business had been controlled by Jean M. till February 2010.
Pierre L. is the individual who controls this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.