Petroleum International Training And Consultancy Limited is a Private Limited Company, that is registered in 29 York Place, Edinburgh, Old Town. The head office's zip code is EH1 3HP. The firm has existed thirty eight years on the British market. The business registration number is SC102412. This company's principal business activity number is 74909 and their NACE code stands for Other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified. Petroleum International Training And Consultancy Ltd filed its latest accounts for the financial year up to Saturday 31st December 2022. The business most recent confirmation statement was submitted on Friday 31st March 2023.
The following company owes its achievements and permanent improvement to three directors, specifically Katherine P., James P. and Jacqueline P., who have been controlling the company since 25th June 2002. Additionally, the director's tasks are often assisted with by a secretary - James P..