The company was located in Nottingham with reg. no. 03294399. It was started in 1996. The headquarters of the company was located at Perrymead Grange Road Edwalton. The zip code for this address is NG12 4BT. The company was dissolved on 2022-03-29, which means it had been active for twenty six years. This firm has a history in business name changes. Up till now this firm had two different names. Up till 2008 this firm was run under the name of Monk Estates (gamble Street) and up to that point its official company name was Willoughby (114).
Within this specific business, all of director's tasks up till now have been executed by Linda J. and Christopher J.. When it comes to these two people, Linda J. had administered the business for the longest period of time, having been a vital part of the Management Board for 24 years.