Pembroke Property Management is a business with it's headquarters at TN2 5NP Tunbridge Wells at Foundation House Coach & Horses Passage. This business has been in existence since 2011 and is established under reg. no. 07607431. This business has been actively competing on the English market for 14 years now and the official state is active. It 's been 11 years that Pembroke Property Management Ltd is no longer identified under the business name Blocman. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 68320 meaning Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis. 2022-03-31 is the last time when company accounts were filed.
Having three job announcements since 2014/09/23, the company has been an active employer on the employment market. On 2016/08/26, it was looking for new workers for a Assistant Property Manager (Block Manager) post in Tunbridge Wells, and on 2014/09/23, for the vacant post of a Accounts Administrator / Bookkeeper in Tunbridge Wells. As of yet, they have sought candidates for the Block Property Manager positions.
Currently, the directors appointed by this particular business are as follow: Claire H. arranged to perform management duties on 9th April 2012 and Geoffrey H. arranged to perform management duties in 2011.