Pearsons Partnerships Limited is a Private Limited Company, with headquarters in Kintyre House, 70 High Street in Fareham. The main office's post code is PO16 7BB. This business 's been thirty three years in this business. Its registered no. is 02650911. This business's registered with SIC code 96090: Other service activities not elsewhere classified. Pearsons Partnerships Ltd filed its account information for the period up to 2022-12-31. Its most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-10-03.
According to the data we have, this business was created in October 1991 and has so far been presided over by eleven directors, out of whom four (Simon P., Mark G., Gillian S. and Peter G.) are still active. Moreover, the managing director's assignments are regularly assisted with by a secretary - Nicola K., who joined this specific business on 2nd January 2004.