This company is based in Leeds under the following Company Registration No.: 02538085. The company was started in the year 1990. The headquarters of this firm is situated at Park Lane Homes Ltd Kingston House 87 Wike Ridge Lane. The postal code for this place is LS17 8TX. The enterprise's SIC code is 41202, that means Construction of domestic buildings. Park Lane Homes Ltd released its account information for the financial period up to 2022-03-31. The company's latest confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-09-07.
With two recruitment advertisements since 13th January 2015, the firm has been quite active on the employment market. On 16th November 2015, it started recruiting new workers for a full time Quantity Surveyor Technical Manager position in Leeds, and on 13th January 2015, for the vacant position of a full time Telehandler Operator cum Site Labourer Truck Driver in Leeds.
Because of this firm's size, it became imperative to find other directors: James C., Brian C. and Brian C. who have been supporting each other for 9 years for the benefit of the firm.