Started with Reg No. 08690577 eleven years ago, Wigan Ventures Limited was set up as a Private Limited Company. The company's active office address is 23 Spring Street, London. This company debuted under the business name Park Crescent Advisory, though for the last five years has operated under the business name Wigan Ventures Limited. This firm's declared SIC number is 68310 which means Real estate agencies. Wigan Ventures Ltd filed its account information for the financial period up to 2022-09-30. The company's latest annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-09-30.
As suggested by the following enterprise's register, since September 2013 there have been two directors: Christopher L. and Charles G..
Charles G. is the individual who controls this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company, owns over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares and has over 1/2 to 3/4 of voting rights.