Over The Horizon came into being in 2022 as a company enlisted under no SC741772, located at EH2 4AN Edinburgh at 5 South Charlotte Street. This firm has been in business for 2 years and its status at the time is active. This business's declared SIC number is 70229 and has the NACE code: Management consultancy activities other than financial management.
There's one managing director now running the following firm, specifically Tomasz S. who has been performing the director's tasks for 2 years. Since 2023-08-18 Tomasz S., had performed assigned duties for this firm up to the moment of the resignation one year ago. In addition a different director, namely Mateusz S. resigned in August 2023.
Tomasz S. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.