Off The Back Of Bones Ltd can be found at London at 204 Carr Road. You can find the company by its post code - E17 5EW. The firm has been in the field on the UK market for 14 years. This business is registered under the number 07322637 and company's official state is active. This firm's registered with SIC code 59200 and has the NACE code: Sound recording and music publishing activities. Off The Back Of Bones Limited filed its account information for the financial year up to July 31, 2022. The company's most recent confirmation statement was released on March 10, 2023.
Anthony S. is the following firm's single managing director, that was selected to lead the company in 2010. Since July 2010 Dawn H., had been fulfilling assigned duties for this firm up to the moment of the resignation on 2014-09-08.