This Novo Nordisk Limited firm has been operating in this business for 52 years, having launched in 1973. Started with Companies House Reg No. 01118740, Novo Nordisk is a Private Limited Company located in 3 City Place, Gatwick RH6 0PA. This firm is known under the name of Novo Nordisk Limited. Moreover the firm also operated as Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals up till the company name was replaced 25 years from now. This business's declared SIC number is 46460 which stands for Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods. The business most recent annual accounts describe the period up to 2022-12-31 and the most recent confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-06-23.
With 16 job offers since 2015/09/30, Novo Nordisk has been among the most active enterprise on the employment market. Most recently, it was recruiting job candidates in Oxford and Gatwick. They look for employees for such positions as for instance: Financial Reporting Specialist- 1 year maternity cover, Computational Biologist in Cellular Genetics (Single-Cell and CRISPR Genomics) and Senior Research Scientist in Stem Cell Engineering.
The firm's trademark number is UK00003032583. They applied for its registration on 2013/11/27 and it got published in the journal number 2014-002.
The following firm owes its success and constant progress to a team of four directors, namely Thomas N., Jonas L., Pinder S. and Nicholas B., who have been controlling it since April 2024. In order to support the directors in their duties, this particular firm has been using the skills of Matthew O. as a secretary since 2012.