Nottyard started conducting its business in the year 1966 as a Private Limited Company under the following Company Registration No.: 00876974. This business has been active for fifty eight years and the present status is active. The firm's registered office is located in Stanton By Dale at C/o Ntm Ltd. You could also locate this business by the postal code of DE7 4QU. Despite the fact, that recently operating under the name of Nottyard Limited, it was not always so. The company was known as Canal Sheet Metal Works until August 4, 2000, at which point it was replaced by Canal Engineering. The last switch took place on July 23, 2001. This business's declared SIC number is 7499 : Non-trading company. Nottyard Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2002/12/31. Its latest annual return information was submitted on 2003/11/09.
According to the latest update, we have only a single director in the company: Richard C. (since February 9, 1995). Since January 5, 2001 Glen H., had been managing this specific company up until the resignation twenty one years ago. What is more another director, specifically Michael B. gave up the position 23 years ago. To help the directors in their tasks, the company has been utilizing the skills of Jenny B. as a secretary since 2001.