This enterprise referred to as Northcliffe Media was registered on 1997/07/16 as a Private Limited Company. This company's office may be gotten hold of in Kensington on Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street. When you have to contact this firm by mail, its area code is W8 5TT. The official registration number for Northcliffe Media Limited is 03403993. The firm switched its registered name already three times. Up to 2011 the company has provided the services it specializes in under the name of Northcliffe Local Media (south East) but now the company is registered under the business name Northcliffe Media Limited. This company's registered with SIC code 58142 and has the NACE code: Publishing of consumer and business journals and periodicals. September 30, 2022 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
We have identified 6 councils and public departments cooperating with the company. The biggest counter party of them all is the Cornwall Council, with over 206 transactions from worth at least 500 pounds each, amounting to £448,801 in total. The company also worked with the Devon County Council (92 transactions worth £141,358 in total) and the Derby City Council (102 transactions worth £59,728 in total). Northcliffe Media was the service provided to the South Gloucestershire Council Council covering the following areas: Engineering Works - Private Contractor and Advertising - General was also the service provided to the Cornwall Council Council covering the following areas: 43510-advertising (non Recruitment) and 41301-books And Publications.
Given this company's size, it was necessary to appoint other executives: Christopher F. and Manuel L. who have been assisting each other since 2023 to fulfil their statutory duties for the following firm. To provide support to the directors, the abovementioned firm has been using the skills of Frances S. as a secretary since 2016.