06961394 is the registration number for Martins Chocolatier Limited. It was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2009-07-14. It has existed in this business for 15 years. This company may be gotten hold of in Cawley House 149-155 Canal Street in Nottingham. The main office's zip code assigned to this address is NG1 7HR. It has been on the market under three different names. Its initial listed name, All Things Chocolate Gloucester, was switched on 2011-11-09 to Nisi Dominus. The current name, used since 2015, is Martins Chocolatier Limited. The enterprise's SIC code is 10821, that means Manufacture of cocoa and chocolate confectionery. Wed, 29th Jun 2022 is the last time when company accounts were filed.
There is a solitary managing director this particular moment leading this specific limited company, namely Philip A. who has been performing the director's assignments since 2009-07-14.
Philip A. is the individual who controls this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.